Cristian B. Yancis A. cbyancisa
  • Joined on 2024-09-02
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/app_totito_next 2024-09-17 13:55:34 -06:00
fec3f8d83c readme
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-17 13:50:55 -06:00
431e571360 modificacion del readme
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-17 11:34:17 -06:00
09471b9255 app geogebra
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/app_totito_next 2024-09-17 11:27:30 -06:00
68b0dd9059 app totito finalizdo
2b643a0978 app terminada
0a87bf8189 actualizacion
0f1c3c9c17 cambio de titulo
Compare 4 commits »
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-17 11:16:38 -06:00
06aff490dc manipular los ejes x e y
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-16 17:14:04 -06:00
491b41efa7 slider
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-13 16:02:01 -06:00
cbyancisa created branch master in cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-13 15:50:44 -06:00
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-13 15:50:44 -06:00
1f7395d719 reultado final
c33f99b225 examen 1
5f17062259 Initial commit from Create Next App
cbyancisa created repository cbyancisa/expreciones_algebraicas 2024-09-13 15:49:13 -06:00
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/app_totito_next 2024-09-06 19:35:53 -06:00
421e4799f1 css y arreglo del codigo
Compare 2 commits »
cbyancisa created branch master in cbyancisa/app_totito_next 2024-09-06 13:41:31 -06:00
cbyancisa pushed to master at cbyancisa/app_totito_next 2024-09-06 13:41:31 -06:00
bebc2b5733 linea problematica :c
e34f23fee9 añadi react
6e36d83551 añadi mi archivo
f0cac0c584 Initial commit from Create Next App
cbyancisa created repository cbyancisa/app_totito_next 2024-09-06 13:40:05 -06:00
cbyancisa created branch desarrollo in cbyancisa/TailwindCSS 2024-09-02 15:58:53 -06:00
cbyancisa pushed to desarrollo at cbyancisa/TailwindCSS 2024-09-02 15:58:53 -06:00
4b0d0e6b22 agrege color al hola mundo
cbyancisa created repository cbyancisa/TailwindCSS 2024-09-02 15:10:11 -06:00