David E. Hernandez M. dehernandezm
  • Joined on 2022-11-22
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-29 12:45:01 -06:00
8cda3c1fbf agregar elemento span para texto dentro de elemento li con el texto, para al truncar texto no ocultar opcion de abrir menu filtrar
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-27 13:05:14 -06:00
e6929b1a63 agregar prop de real value en objeto item al ejecutar classItem
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-27 11:57:41 -06:00
cf90f116a4 agregar ejecución de funcion classitem que se agrega por reglas de mapeo
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-24 15:20:27 -06:00
bf7cd5bd21 cuando el cálculo sea conteo, no aplicar formato, aplicar formato 0,0 sin decimales
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-24 13:20:13 -06:00
49b567ca2d remover parametros que no se utilizan, quitar texto en nulo, aplicar formato a totales
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-24 13:09:01 -06:00
12aa058e95 remover validacion de length porque no es array, remover console.log}
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-24 13:02:28 -06:00
017b23d2c3 agregar funcion para validar null y undefined
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-24 12:49:48 -06:00
1914edfe7a agregar console.log para debuggear cunción de aplicar formato
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-24 11:24:25 -06:00
43e3abb8c7 agregar funcion de aplicar formato se se encuentra en la definicion de la columna
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-24 10:35:44 -06:00
be6785152b agregar function con console logs para agregar funcionalidad formato
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-14 15:54:00 -06:00
2f4d4e5142 remover slice to truncate listado de opciones de filtro
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-14 14:06:40 -06:00
9984cda262 agregar validacion si existe objeto atributo en objeto filtros agregados
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-14 13:59:20 -06:00
c1701c1143 agregar console.log to debug this props error select all
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-14 13:52:33 -06:00
d73fd6c6fd agregar console.log to debug values error select all
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-14 13:29:17 -06:00
e1b23cb346 agregar copia de items mostrados para corregir la cantidad mostrada en select/deselect button
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2025-01-14 13:14:42 -06:00
51f67cfbd2 cambio de manejo de menus de filtros, mostrar siempre, mostrar las primeras 500 opciones
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2024-12-23 16:46:27 -06:00
77edaa2ba8 remover aplicacion de clases a encabezados, dejar solo las clases obtenidas de dataTable por props
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2024-12-23 11:14:54 -06:00
21d8b114b6 test aplicar props de header styles y header classes
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2024-12-20 16:46:08 -06:00
f406acc490 agregar default para header clases y styles headers
dehernandezm pushed to main at dehernandezm/v-react-pivottable 2024-12-20 15:20:28 -06:00
5164fea507 remover stop events