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// @flow
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {matchesSelectorAndParentsTo, addEvent, removeEvent, addUserSelectStyles, getTouchIdentifier,
removeUserSelectStyles, styleHacks} from './utils/domFns';
import {createCoreData, getControlPosition, snapToGrid} from './utils/positionFns';
import {dontSetMe} from './utils/shims';
import log from './utils/log';
import type {EventHandler, MouseTouchEvent} from './utils/types';
import type {Element as ReactElement} from 'react';
// Simple abstraction for dragging events names.
const eventsFor = {
touch: {
start: 'touchstart',
move: 'touchmove',
stop: 'touchend'
mouse: {
start: 'mousedown',
move: 'mousemove',
stop: 'mouseup'
// Default to mouse events.
let dragEventFor = eventsFor.mouse;
type DraggableCoreState = {
dragging: boolean,
lastX: number,
lastY: number,
touchIdentifier: ?number
export type DraggableBounds = {
left: number,
right: number,
top: number,
bottom: number,
export type DraggableData = {
node: HTMLElement,
x: number, y: number,
deltaX: number, deltaY: number,
lastX: number, lastY: number,
export type DraggableEventHandler = (e: MouseEvent, data: DraggableData) => void;
export type ControlPosition = {x: number, y: number};
export type PositionOffsetControlPosition = {x: number|string, y: number|string};
export type DraggableCoreProps = {
allowAnyClick: boolean,
cancel: string,
children: ReactElement<any>,
disabled: boolean,
enableUserSelectHack: boolean,
offsetParent: HTMLElement,
grid: [number, number],
handle: string,
onStart: DraggableEventHandler,
onDrag: DraggableEventHandler,
onStop: DraggableEventHandler,
onMouseDown: (e: MouseEvent) => void,
// Define <DraggableCore>.
// <DraggableCore> is for advanced usage of <Draggable>. It maintains minimal internal state so it can
// work well with libraries that require more control over the element.
export default class DraggableCore extends React.Component<DraggableCoreProps, DraggableCoreState> {
static displayName = 'DraggableCore';
static propTypes = {
* `allowAnyClick` allows dragging using any mouse button.
* By default, we only accept the left button.
* Defaults to `false`.
allowAnyClick: PropTypes.bool,
* `disabled`, if true, stops the <Draggable> from dragging. All handlers,
* with the exception of `onMouseDown`, will not fire.
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
* By default, we add 'user-select:none' attributes to the document body
* to prevent ugly text selection during drag. If this is causing problems
* for your app, set this to `false`.
enableUserSelectHack: PropTypes.bool,
* `offsetParent`, if set, uses the passed DOM node to compute drag offsets
* instead of using the parent node.
offsetParent: function(props: DraggableCoreProps, propName: $Keys<DraggableCoreProps>) {
if (props[propName] && props[propName].nodeType !== 1) {
throw new Error('Draggable\'s offsetParent must be a DOM Node.');
* `grid` specifies the x and y that dragging should snap to.
grid: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number),
* `scale` specifies the scale of the area you are dragging inside of. It allows
* the drag deltas to scale correctly with how far zoomed in/out you are.
scale: PropTypes.number,
* `handle` specifies a selector to be used as the handle that initiates drag.
* Example:
* ```jsx
* let App = React.createClass({
* render: function () {
* return (
* <Draggable handle=".handle">
* <div>
* <div className="handle">Click me to drag</div>
* <div>This is some other content</div>
* </div>
* </Draggable>
* );
* }
* });
* ```
handle: PropTypes.string,
* `cancel` specifies a selector to be used to prevent drag initialization.
* Example:
* ```jsx
* let App = React.createClass({
* render: function () {
* return(
* <Draggable cancel=".cancel">
* <div>
* <div className="cancel">You can't drag from here</div>
* <div>Dragging here works fine</div>
* </div>
* </Draggable>
* );
* }
* });
* ```
cancel: PropTypes.string,
* Called when dragging starts.
* If this function returns the boolean false, dragging will be canceled.
onStart: PropTypes.func,
* Called while dragging.
* If this function returns the boolean false, dragging will be canceled.
onDrag: PropTypes.func,
* Called when dragging stops.
* If this function returns the boolean false, the drag will remain active.
onStop: PropTypes.func,
* A workaround option which can be passed if onMouseDown needs to be accessed,
* since it'll always be blocked (as there is internal use of onMouseDown)
onMouseDown: PropTypes.func,
* These properties should be defined on the child, not here.
className: dontSetMe,
style: dontSetMe,
transform: dontSetMe
static defaultProps = {
allowAnyClick: false, // by default only accept left click
cancel: null,
disabled: false,
enableUserSelectHack: true,
offsetParent: null,
handle: null,
grid: null,
transform: null,
onStart: function(){},
onDrag: function(){},
onStop: function(){},
onMouseDown: function(){}
state = {
dragging: false,
// Used while dragging to determine deltas.
lastX: NaN, lastY: NaN,
touchIdentifier: null
componentWillUnmount() {
// Remove any leftover event handlers. Remove both touch and mouse handlers in case
// some browser quirk caused a touch event to fire during a mouse move, or vice versa.
const thisNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
if (thisNode) {
const {ownerDocument} = thisNode;
removeEvent(ownerDocument, eventsFor.mouse.move, this.handleDrag);
removeEvent(ownerDocument, eventsFor.touch.move, this.handleDrag);
removeEvent(ownerDocument, eventsFor.mouse.stop, this.handleDragStop);
removeEvent(ownerDocument, eventsFor.touch.stop, this.handleDragStop);
if (this.props.enableUserSelectHack) removeUserSelectStyles(ownerDocument);
handleDragStart: EventHandler<MouseTouchEvent> = (e) => {
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// Make it possible to attach event handlers on top of this one.
// Only accept left-clicks.
if (!this.props.allowAnyClick && typeof e.button === 'number' && e.button !== 0) return false;
// Get nodes. Be sure to grab relative document (could be iframed)
const thisNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
if (!thisNode || !thisNode.ownerDocument || !thisNode.ownerDocument.body) {
throw new Error('<DraggableCore> not mounted on DragStart!');
const {ownerDocument} = thisNode;
// Short circuit if handle or cancel prop was provided and selector doesn't match.
if (this.props.disabled ||
(!(e.target instanceof ownerDocument.defaultView.Node)) ||
(this.props.handle && !matchesSelectorAndParentsTo(e.target, this.props.handle, thisNode)) ||
(this.props.cancel && matchesSelectorAndParentsTo(e.target, this.props.cancel, thisNode))) {
// Set touch identifier in component state if this is a touch event. This allows us to
// distinguish between individual touches on multitouch screens by identifying which
// touchpoint was set to this element.
const touchIdentifier = getTouchIdentifier(e);
// Get the current drag point from the event. This is used as the offset.
const position = getControlPosition(e, touchIdentifier, this);
if (position == null) return; // not possible but satisfies flow
const {x, y} = position;
// Create an event object with all the data parents need to make a decision here.
const coreEvent = createCoreData(this, x, y);
log('DraggableCore: handleDragStart: %j', coreEvent);
// Call event handler. If it returns explicit false, cancel.
log('calling', this.props.onStart);
const shouldUpdate = this.props.onStart(e, coreEvent);
if (shouldUpdate === false) return;
// Add a style to the body to disable user-select. This prevents text from
// being selected all over the page.
if (this.props.enableUserSelectHack) addUserSelectStyles(ownerDocument);
// Initiate dragging. Set the current x and y as offsets
// so we know how much we've moved during the drag. This allows us
// to drag elements around even if they have been moved, without issue.
dragging: true,
lastX: x,
lastY: y
// Add events to the document directly so we catch when the user's mouse/touch moves outside of
// this element. We use different events depending on whether or not we have detected that this
// is a touch-capable device.
addEvent(ownerDocument, dragEventFor.move, this.handleDrag);
addEvent(ownerDocument, dragEventFor.stop, this.handleDragStop);
handleDrag: EventHandler<MouseTouchEvent> = (e) => {
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// Prevent scrolling on mobile devices, like ipad/iphone.
if (e.type === 'touchmove') e.preventDefault();
// Get the current drag point from the event. This is used as the offset.
const position = getControlPosition(e, this.state.touchIdentifier, this);
if (position == null) return;
let {x, y} = position;
// Snap to grid if prop has been provided
if (Array.isArray(this.props.grid)) {
let deltaX = x - this.state.lastX, deltaY = y - this.state.lastY;
[deltaX, deltaY] = snapToGrid(this.props.grid, deltaX, deltaY);
if (!deltaX && !deltaY) return; // skip useless drag
x = this.state.lastX + deltaX, y = this.state.lastY + deltaY;
const coreEvent = createCoreData(this, x, y);
log('DraggableCore: handleDrag: %j', coreEvent);
// Call event handler. If it returns explicit false, trigger end.
const shouldUpdate = this.props.onDrag(e, coreEvent);
if (shouldUpdate === false) {
try {
// $FlowIgnore
this.handleDragStop(new MouseEvent('mouseup'));
} catch (err) {
// Old browsers
const event = ((document.createEvent('MouseEvents'): any): MouseTouchEvent);
// I see why this insanity was deprecated
// $FlowIgnore
event.initMouseEvent('mouseup', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
lastX: x,
lastY: y
handleDragStop: EventHandler<MouseTouchEvent> = (e) => {
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if (!this.state.dragging) return;
const position = getControlPosition(e, this.state.touchIdentifier, this);
if (position == null) return;
const {x, y} = position;
const coreEvent = createCoreData(this, x, y);
const thisNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
if (thisNode) {
// Remove user-select hack
if (this.props.enableUserSelectHack) removeUserSelectStyles(thisNode.ownerDocument);
log('DraggableCore: handleDragStop: %j', coreEvent);
// Reset the el.
dragging: false,
lastX: NaN,
lastY: NaN
// Call event handler
this.props.onStop(e, coreEvent);
if (thisNode) {
// Remove event handlers
log('DraggableCore: Removing handlers');
removeEvent(thisNode.ownerDocument, dragEventFor.move, this.handleDrag);
removeEvent(thisNode.ownerDocument, dragEventFor.stop, this.handleDragStop);
onMouseDown: EventHandler<MouseTouchEvent> = (e) => {
dragEventFor = eventsFor.mouse; // on touchscreen laptops we could switch back to mouse
return this.handleDragStart(e);
onMouseUp: EventHandler<MouseTouchEvent> = (e) => {
dragEventFor = eventsFor.mouse;
return this.handleDragStop(e);
// Same as onMouseDown (start drag), but now consider this a touch device.
onTouchStart: EventHandler<MouseTouchEvent> = (e) => {
// We're on a touch device now, so change the event handlers
dragEventFor = eventsFor.touch;
return this.handleDragStart(e);
onTouchEnd: EventHandler<MouseTouchEvent> = (e) => {
// We're on a touch device now, so change the event handlers
dragEventFor = eventsFor.touch;
return this.handleDragStop(e);
render() {
// Reuse the child provided
// This makes it flexible to use whatever element is wanted (div, ul, etc)
return React.cloneElement(React.Children.only(this.props.children), {
style: styleHacks(this.props.children.props.style),
// Note: mouseMove handler is attached to document so it will still function
// when the user drags quickly and leaves the bounds of the element.
onMouseDown: this.onMouseDown,
onTouchStart: this.onTouchStart,
onMouseUp: this.onMouseUp,
onTouchEnd: this.onTouchEnd