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# Changelog
### 3.3.2 (Aug 16, 2019)
- Use `all: inherit` instead of `background: transparent;` to fix selection styles.
- Fixes https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/315
### 3.3.1 (Aug 12, 2019)
- Fix React 16.9 `componentWillMount` deprecation.
### 3.3.0 (Apr 18, 2019)
- Addition of `positionOffset` prop, which can be Numbers (px) or string percentages (like `"10%"`). See the README for more.
### 3.2.1 (Mar 1, 2019)
- Reverted https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/361.
### ~3.2.0 (Feb 27, 2019)~
> Note: this release has been pulled due to an inadvertent breaking change. See https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/391
- Feature: `defaultPosition` now allows string offsets (like {x: '10%', y: '10%'}) then calculates deltas from there. See the examples and the PR [#361](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/361/). Thanks to @tnrich and @eric-burel.
- Bugfix: Export `DraggableEvent` type for Flow consumers. Thanks @elie222.
### 3.1.1 (Dec 21, 2018)
- Bugfix: Minor type change on DraggableEventHandler TypeScript export ([#374](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/374))
### 3.1.0 (Dec 21, 2018)
- Feature: Added `scale` prop ([#352](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/352))
- Thanks, @wootencl
- Bugfix: Remove process.browser which is missing in browser ([#329]((https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/329))
- Bugfix: Fix selection api on IE ([#292](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/292))
- Bugfix: Fixes some issues in the type definitions for TypeScript ([#331]((https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/331))
- Bugfix: Fix compare where portal elements are different instance to main window ([#359]((https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/359))
### 3.0.5 (Jan 11, 2018)
- Bugfix: Fix crash in test environments during removeUserSelectStyles().
### 3.0.4 (Nov 27, 2017)
- Bugfix: Fix "Cannot call property 'call' of undefined" (matchesSelector)
- Fixes [#300](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/300)
### 3.0.3 (Aug 31, 2017)
- Bugfix: Fix deprecation warnings caused by `import * as React` (Flow best practice).
- See https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/10583
### 3.0.2 (Aug 22, 2017)
> 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 have been unpublished due to a large logfile making it into the package.
- Bugfix: Tweaked `.npmignore`.
### 3.0.1 (Aug 21, 2017)
- Bugfix: Flow-type should no longer throw errors for consumers.
- It appears Flow can't resolve a sub-package's interfaces.
### 3.0.0 (Aug 21, 2017)
> Due to an export change, this is semver-major.
- Breaking: For TypeScript users, `<Draggable>` is now exported as `module.exports` and `module.exports.default`.
- Potentially Breaking: We no longer set `user-select: none` on all elements while dragging. Instead,
the [`::selection` psuedo element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::selection) is used.
- Depending on your application, this could cause issues, so be sure to test.
- Bugfix: Pass bounded `x`/`y` to callbacks. See [#226](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/226).
- Internal: Upgraded dependencies.
### 2.2.6 (Apr 30, 2017)
- Bugfix: Missing export default on TS definition (thanks @lostfictions)
- Internal: TS test suite (thanks @lostfictions)
### 2.2.5 (Apr 28, 2017)
- Bugfix: Typescript definition was incorrect. [#244](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/244)
### 2.2.4 (Apr 27, 2017)
- Internal: Moved `PropTypes` access to `prop-types` package for React 15.5 (prep for 16)
- Feature: Added TypeScript definitions (thanks @erfangc)
- Bugfix: No longer can erroneously add user-select style multiple times
- Bugfix: OffsetParent with padding problem, fixes [#218](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/218)
- Refactor: Misc example updates.
### 2.2.3 (Nov 21, 2016)
- Bugfix: Fix an issue with the entire window scrolling on a drag on iDevices. Thanks @JaneCoder. See #183
### 2.2.2 (Sep 14, 2016)
- Bugfix: Fix references to global when grabbing `SVGElement`, see [#162](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/162)
- Bugfix: Get `ownerDocument` before `onStop`, fixes [#198](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/198)
### 2.2.1 (Aug 11, 2016)
- Bugfix: Fix `getComputedStyle` error: see [#186](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/186), #190
### 2.2.0 (Jul 29, 2016)
- Addition: `offsetParent` property for an arbitrary ancestor for offset calculations.
- Fixes e.g. dragging with a floating `offsetParent`.
- Ref: https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/170
- Enhancement: Make this library iframe-aware.
- Ref: https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/177
- Thanks to @acusti for tests
- Bugfix: Lint/Test Fixes for new Flow & React versions
### 2.1.2 (Jun 5, 2016)
- Bugfix: Fix `return false` to cancel `onDrag` breaking on both old and new browsers due to missing `typeArg` and/or
unsupported `MouseEventConstructor`. Fixes [#164](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/164).
### 2.1.1 (May 22, 2016)
- Bugfix: `<DraggableCore>` wasn't calling back with the DOM node.
- Internal: Rework test suite to use power-assert.
### 2.1.0 (May 20, 2016)
- Fix improperly missed `handle` or `cancel` selectors if the event originates from a child of the handle or cancel.
- Fixes a longstanding issue, [#88](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/88)
- This was pushed to a minor release as there may be edge cases (perhaps workarounds) where this changes behavior.
### 2.0.2 (May 19, 2016)
- Fix `cannot access clientX of undefined` on some touch-enabled platforms.
- Fixes [#159](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/159),
- Fixed a bug with multi-finger multitouch if > 1 finger triggered an event at the same time.
### 2.0.1 (May 19, 2016)
- Finally fixed the IE10 constructor bug. Thanks @davidstubbs [#158](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/158)
### 2.0.0 (May 10, 2016)
- This is a breaking change. See the changes below in the beta releases.
- Note the changes to event callbacks and `position` / `defaultPosition`.
- Changes from 2.0.0-beta3:
- Small bugfixes for Flow 0.24 compatibility.
- Don't assume `global.SVGElement`. Fixes JSDOM & [#123](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/issues/123).
### 2.0.0-beta3 (Apr 19, 2016)
- Flow comments are now in the build. Other projects, such as React-Grid-Layout and React-Resizable, will
rely on them in their build and export their own comments.
### 2.0.0-beta2 (Apr 14, 2016)
- We're making a small deviation from React Core's controlled vs. uncontrolled scheme; for convenience,
`<Draggable>`s with a `position` property will still be draggable, but will revert to their old position
on drag stop. Attach an `onStop` or `onDrag` handler to synchronize state.
- A warning has been added informing users of this. If you make `<Draggable>` controlled but attach no callback
handlers, a warning will be printed.
### 2.0.0-beta1 (Apr 14, 2016)
- Due to API changes, this is a major release.
#### Breaking Changes:
- Both `<DraggableCore>` and `<Draggable>` have had their callback types changed and unified.
type DraggableEventHandler = (e: Event, data: DraggableData) => void | false;
type DraggableData = {
node: HTMLElement,
// lastX + deltaX === x
x: number, y: number,
deltaX: number, deltaY: number,
lastX: number, lastY: number
- The `start` option has been renamed to `defaultPosition`.
- The `zIndex` option has been removed.
#### Possibly Breaking Changes:
- When determining deltas, we now use a new method that checks the delta against the Draggable's `offsetParent`.
This method allows us to support arbitrary nested scrollable ancestors without scroll handlers!
- This may cause issues in certain layouts. If you find one, please open an issue.
#### Enhancements:
- `<Draggable>` now has a `position` attribute. Its relationship to `defaultPosition` is much like
`value` to `defaultValue` on React `<input>` nodes. If set, the position is fixed and cannot be mutated.
If empty, the component will manage its own state. See [#140](https://github.com/mzabriskie/react-draggable/pull/140)
for more info & motivations.
- Misc. bugfixes.
### 1.4.0-beta1 (Apr 13, 2016)
- Major improvements to drag tracking that now support even nested scroll boxes.
- This revision is being done as a pre-release to ensure there are no unforeseen issues with the offset changes.
### 1.3.7 (Apr 8, 2016)
- Fix `user-select` prefixing, which may be different than the prefix required for `transform`.
### 1.3.6 (Apr 8, 2016)
- Republished after 1.3.5 contained a bundling error.
### 1.3.5 (Apr 8, 2016)
- Add React v15 to devDeps. `<Draggable>` supports both `v0.14` and `v15`.
- Enhancement: Clean up usage of browser prefixes; modern browsers will no longer use them.
- This also removes the duplicated `user-select` style that is created on the `<body>` while dragging.
- Internal: Test fixes.
### 1.3.4 (Mar 5, 2016)
- Bugfix: Scrolling while dragging caused items to move unpredictably.
### 1.3.3 (Feb 11, 2016)
- Bugfix: #116: Android/Chrome are finicky; give up on canceling ghost clicks entirely.
### 1.3.2 (Feb 11, 2016)
- Bugfix: #116: Child inputs not focusing on touch events.
### 1.3.1 (Feb 10, 2016)
- Internal: Babel 6 and Flow definitions
- Bugfix: 1.3.0 broke string bounds ('parent', selectors, etc.).
- Bugfix: 1.3.0 wasn't updating deltaX and deltaY on a bounds hit.
### 1.3.0 (Feb 10, 2016)
- Possibly breaking change: bounds are calculated before `<Draggable>` fires `drag` events, as they should have been.
- Added `'none'` axis type. This allows using `<Draggable>` somewhat like `<DraggableCore>` - state will be kept
internally (which makes bounds checks etc possible), but updates will not be flushed to the DOM.
- Performance tweaks.
### 1.2.0 (Feb 5, 2016)
- Added arbitrary boundary selector. Now you don't have to just use `'parent'`, you can select any element
on the page, including `'body'`.
- Bugfix: Prevent invariant if a `<Draggable>` is unmounted while dragging.
- Bugfix: Fix #133, where items would eagerly start dragging off the mouse cursor if you hit boundaries and
came back. This is due to how `<DraggableCore>` handles deltas only and does not keep state. Added new state
properties `slackX` and `slackY` to `<Draggable>` to handle this and restore pre-v1 behavior.
### 1.1.3 (Nov 25, 2015)
- Bugfix: Server-side rendering with react-rails, which does bad things like mock `window`
### 1.1.2 (Nov 23, 2015)
- Bugfix: `<Draggable>` was calling back with clientX/Y, not offsetX/Y as it did pre-1.0. This unintended
behavior has been fixed and a test has been added.
### 1.1.1 (Nov 14, 2015)
- Bugfix: Clean up scroll events if a component is unmounted before drag stops.
- Bugfix: `NaN` was returning from scroll events due to event structure change.
- Add scroll drag modulation test.
### 1.1.0 (Nov 14, 2015)
- Move `grid` into `<DraggableCore>` directly. It will continue to work on `<Draggable>`.
- Development fixes.
### 1.0.2 (Nov 7, 2015)
- Fix `enableUserSelectHack` not properly disabling.
- Fix a crash when the user scrolls the page with a Draggable active.
### 1.0.1 (Oct 28, 2015)
- Fix missing dist files for webpack.
- Ignore non-primary clicks. Added `allowAnyClick` option to allow other click types.
### 1.0.0 (Oct 27, 2015)
- Breaking: Removed `resetState()` instance method
- Breaking: Removed `moveOnStartChange` prop
- Breaking: React `0.14` support only.
- Refactored project.
- Module now exports a `<DraggableCore>` element upon which `<Draggable>` is based.
This module is useful for building libraries and is completely stateless.
### 0.8.5 (Oct 20, 2015)
- Bugfix: isElementSVG no longer can be overwritten by getInitialState (#83)
- Bugfix: Fix for element prefixes in JSDOM
### 0.8.4 (Oct 15, 2015)
- Bugfix: SVG elements now properly use `transform` attribute instead of `style`. Thanks @martinRoss
### 0.8.3 (Oct 12, 2015)
- Bugfix: Short-circuiting drag throws due to `e.changedTouches` check.
### 0.8.2 (Sep 21, 2015)
- Handle scrolling while dragging. (#60)
- Add multi-touch support. (#68)
- IE fixes.
- Documentation updates. (#77)
### 0.8.1 (June 3, 2015)
- Add `resetState()` instance method for use by parents. See README ("State Problems?").
### 0.8.0 (May 19, 2015)
- Touch/mouse events rework. Fixes #51, #37, and #43, as well as IE11 support.
- Moved mousemove/mouseup and touch event handlers to document from window. Fixes IE9/10 support.
IE8 is still not supported, as it is not supported by React.
### 0.7.4 (May 18, 2015)
- Fix a bug where a quick drag out of bounds to `0,0` would cause the element to remain in an inaccurate position,
because the translation was removed from the CSS. See #55.
### 0.7.3 (May 13, 2015)
- Removed a `moveOnStartChange` optimization that was causing problems when attempting to move a `<Draggable>` back
to its initial position. See https://github.com/STRML/react-grid-layout/issues/56
### 0.7.2 (May 8, 2015)
- Added `moveOnStartChange` property. See README.
### 0.7.1 (May 7, 2015)
- The `start` param is back. Pass `{x: Number, y: Number}` to kickoff the CSS transform. Useful in certain
cases for simpler callback math (so you don't have to know its existing relative position and add it to
the dragged position). Fixes #52.
### 0.7.0 (May 7, 2015)
- Breaking change: `bounds` with coordinates was confusing because it was using the item's width/height,
which was not intuitive. When providing coordinates, `bounds` now simply restricts movement in each
direction by that many pixels.
### 0.6.0 (May 2, 2015)
- Breaking change: Cancel dragging when onDrag or onStart handlers return an explicit `false`.
- Fix sluggish movement when `grid` option was active.
- Example updates.
- Move `user-select:none` hack to document.body for better highlight prevention.
- Add `bounds` option to restrict dragging within parent or within coordinates.
### 0.5.0 (May 2, 2015)
- Remove browserify browser config, reactify, and jsx pragma. Fixes #38
- Use React.cloneElement instead of addons cloneWithProps (requires React 0.13)
- Move to CSS transforms. Simplifies implementation and fixes #48, #34, #31.
- Fixup linting and space/tab errors. Fixes #46.
### 0.4.3 (Apr 30, 2015)
- Fix React.addons error caused by faulty test.
### 0.4.2 (Apr 30, 2015)
- Add `"browser"` config to package.json for browserify imports (fix #45).
- Remove unnecessary `emptyFunction` and `React.addons.classSet` imports.
### 0.4.1 (Apr 30, 2015)
- Remove react/addons dependency (now depending on `react` directly).
- Add MIT License file.
- Fix an issue where browser may be detected as touch-enabled but touch event isn't thrown.
### 0.4.0 (Jan 03, 2015)
- Improving accuracy of snap to grid
- Updating to React 0.12
- Adding dragging className
- Adding reactify support for browserify
- Fixing issue with server side rendering
### 0.3.0 (Oct 21, 2014)
- Adding support for touch devices
### 0.2.1 (Sep 10, 2014)
- Exporting as ReactDraggable
### 0.2.0 (Sep 10, 2014)
- Adding support for snapping to a grid
- Adding support for specifying start position
- Ensure event handlers are destroyed on unmount
- Adding browserify support
- Adding bower support
### 0.1.1 (Jul 26, 2014)
- Fixing dragging not stopping on mouseup in some cases
### 0.1.0 (Jul 25, 2014)
- Initial release