import forge from 'node-forge' const constants = { urlWebApi: process.env.urlWebApi, urlUploadApi: process.env.urlUploadApi, publicKey: process.env.publicKey } const uris = { procedure: '', upload: '/upload' } const encryptRsa = function (obj) { const encoded = forge.util.encodeUtf8(obj) const publicKey = forge.pki.publicKeyFromPem(constants.publicKey) const encrypted = publicKey.encrypt(encoded, 'RSA-OAEP', { md:, mgf1: forge.mgf1.create() }) const base64 = forge.util.encode64(encrypted) return base64 } const callWs = async (uri, json) => { // Send the form data to our API and get a response. const response = await fetch(uri, { // Body of the request is the JSON data we created above. body: JSON.stringify(json), // Tell the server we're sending JSON. headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, // The method is POST because we are sending data. method: 'POST', }) // Get the response data from server as JSON. // If server returns the name submitted, that means the form works. const result = await response.json() return // return data rows } const execute = async (spName, params, encriptado = 0, loading = false, connInfo = undefined) => { let model = {} if (typeof spName === 'string') { model.nombre = spName model.loading = loading // verifica que los parametros vengan como Array model.parametros = params ?? [] // si la información se envía encriptada if (encriptado === 1) { const paramsToEncrypt = { nombre: spName, parametros: params } const paramsEncryptedString = encryptRsa(JSON.stringify(paramsToEncrypt)) model.nombre = '' model.encriptado = 1 model.parametros = paramsEncryptedString } } else if(typeof spName === 'object') { if (encriptado === 1) { const paramsEncryptedString = encryptRsa(JSON.stringify(spName)) model.parametros = paramsEncryptedString model.encriptado = 1 model.loading = loading } else { model = spName model.loading = loading } } if (connInfo) { return await callWs(connInfo.api + '/' + connInfo.env + '/' + connInfo.exposeRoute + '?apikey=' + connInfo.apikey, model) } return await callWs(constants.urlWebApi + uris.procedure, model) } export { execute }